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Evolus International Ltd is a subsidiary of Evolus Group and launched commercial operations in the UK during Q1. 2022.

Evolus is a customer-centric company with compliance and transparency embedded in its core values. We are passionate about combining innovation with our knowledge of the patient to help people live better lives.

The collaboration of the industry with healthcare organizations (HCOs) to support the ongoing learning of healthcare professionals (HCPs) and other relevant decision-makers (ORDMs) is essential to advance patient care, gain insights into unmet medical needs, and progress the development of new medicines.

Evolus takes pride in supporting patient care through the provision of grants and donations to HCOs and supporting the ongoing learning of HCPs to attend independent third-party medical educational events and conferences. This commitment is aligned with our patient-centric principles, and by supporting HCOs and HCPs, we ultimately benefit the health and well-being of the patients they serve.

Transparency is key to ensuring that HCPs and organisations can continue to collaborate to bring new, innovative treatments to patients while addressing concerns about the relationship and payments (to reimburse them for their time and expertise) between HCPs/organisations and the industry. We are fully committed to being transparent with our disclosures and complying with local laws, regulations, and industry codes, including the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice.

The ABPI requires the disclosure of transfers of value payments to be published annually as follows:

Healthcare organisations and healthcare professionals, including other relevant decision-makers (ORDMs), should be disclosed on the centralized disclosures portal:

Patient organisations and the public, including journalists, should be made publicly available. This is usually done via the company website. A link to this data is also provided to the ABPI for inclusion on Disclosure UK, as part of its 'Patient organisation data gateway' for pharmaceutical companies.

In accordance with the ABPI Code of Practice, Evolus' disclosure of funding support is published as follows: Funding for HCPs, ORDMs, and HCOs:

As part of our internal pre-disclosure process, Evolus contacted each HCP to review and validate transfers of value ahead of our submission to the ABPI. To view the annual contributions we have made to UK HCPs, ORDMs, and HCOs on the PMCPA central disclosures portal, please click here:

Funding Patient organisation and the public including journalists:

To view the annual contributions, we have made to Patient Organisations and The Public including Media and Journalists including basic Methodology please click on the link(s) below. It includes the notes on methodology.

Evolus will also be providing the link to this data to the ABPI for inclusion on Disclosure UK, as part of its ‘Patient organisation data gateway’ for pharmaceutical companies working with patient organisations and the public including journalists in the UK.

This is another important step towards increasing transparency of the information about industry collaborations and an opportunity to highlight how we work together for the advancement of high-quality care. 

If you are an HCP and have an enquiry related to the transparency initiative, please send an email to